Prophecy by Don Franklin, @ Ignited Church, January 2010
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And I would even warn you now; I am going to go beyond your expectations; I’m going to go beyond your traditions. I’m going to go where you’ve never gone before because I’m going back to the Book of Acts. I’m going back to the foundation of the Church and I’m going to rebuild what the enemy destroyed.
You’re going to understand what grace is in a level, in a dimension you’ve never comprehended. You’re going to understand what the power of God is for. You’re going to understand that you cannot control the moves and the waves and the anointings of the Holy Ghost.
There is something coming upon the Church and the earth in this year. 2010 is an amazing year. You will see extremes in weather; you will see extremes in the Church and you will see extremes in the world. There is going to be a major, major, major division within the Church. And you are either going to come forward into future that the Holy Ghost has for the Church – I am going to wrestle the Church away from the hand of man and I’m going to bring it into the hand of the Holy Ghost.
And only those who will fully walk with and agree with and move with the Holy Ghost will prosper in the coming days. This is the Word of the Lord to the Church and it will be binding worldwide. The Holy Ghost is rising in every continent, every nation, every culture, every subculture and he is going to implement his control upon the Church.
It is going to be marvelous; it is going to be wonderful; it is going to be full of grace and love and glory and signs and wonders and everything that you’ve dreamed of. But the flipside to that is: those who will not cooperate with, walk with, and allow the Holy Spirit to have his control and even his dominance over the Church will simply be cut off and fall back. They will become a byword, a proverb, a waylaid; they will be cutoff. You will see them green for a season and then they will wither and die.
I am pruning; I am chopping; I am cutting at the Body and I’m going to restore people that you said could not be restored because of their sins, because of their failures, because of their faults. And I’m going to bring down those that you thought were impenetrable rocks, because at the core of those rocks there is rottenness, saith God; there is corruption; there is abuse and only the Lord knows.
Only God knew that David had killed Uriah and taken Bathsheba and Nathan only found out from the Word of the Lord. So it is, saith God, even those at times seem to be bulwarks and pillars of complete righteousness, sometimes within the core of that righteousness there is a spot; there is a blemish. The Lord says everything that has been done in secret shall be revealed.
So, reveal yourself at the altar. Go throw yourself on the altar. I do not want to harm anyone. I do not want to bring correction upon anyone. I do not want to expose anyone, saith God. Throw yourself upon the altar while you may; fall upon the Rock. Confess your sins; go before the Lord and lay yourself low. Say, “I know I’ve erred; I know I’ve sinned. I do not want to face open judgment.”
Because the day is coming when open judgment will come back to the Church. I dropped Herod in his tracks and turned him into worms. I brought Ananias and Sapphira to a low place. I will once again deal heavily with the Church, but in this dealing there will also be incredible blessing and power and anointing.
So, oh, lift up your heads; be full of joy; be full of happiness. Learn to live in a state of repentance before the Lord. Come to God with all of your problems. I am a father. I am moved by your plight; I am moved. I am not going to bring extreme judgment and correction upon those who come to the Lord with their problems. I will bring healing; the Son of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. You will not find condemnation from the hand of God.
Only when you seek to hide your sin and then to go forward and to actually manipulate and con the Body, then you will be exposed, saith the Lord. But there are major, major, major moves coming on every continent, in every nation.
And I’m bringing this church back into a powerful move and this congregation, this church will be at the forefront of what I am doing and it will be controversial. Get your shields up because the enemy will attack. Get your mind mentally prepared for the assault that the enemy will throw against this very House. There will come a demonic onslaught against this House. But I will give you armor that you have not know of yet; I will give you, release Angels into this House that have not yet been released.
If you will hide yourself in God, it won’t even touch you; it won’t even faze you. You will laugh at the assault of the enemy. And if you will align yourself with the Holy Ghost and do the things that he puts in your heart to do, you will find yourself rising, rising, rising, rising, rising, into a place in God that is impenetrable.
This is the Word of the Lord to you. Have faith; have joy; have happiness because great things are coming for you – great tribulation upon the Church and part of the House of God, but great reward and benefit for those who are low before the Lord confessing their sins and looking for the coming of the Son of Man.
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