Friday, January 30, 2009

Planning Ahead

My husband and I are waiting for layoffs. The last time there were layoffs my husband was the next in line to be laid off for a year but, it never happened. We prayed a lot that year and God blessed us.

This time, well...we will see.

Because of this round of layoffs, my husband and I have been planning what to do about our situation. Not, knowing what to do, I went on a fast to find the answers. Maybe, because God knew I would not get very far in my fast or maybe because He simply wanted things done quickly, He answered me in the first day.

He told me to pay off the farm with our 401k when things get bad. Ok, things are going to get bad. Something I already knew, but did not want to hear. He said to me, that on the farm, we can not work and pay the mortgage. But, in the city, we can find work and pay that mortgage.

So, simple, one would wonder why I had to go to God for that. I suppose it was so I would be doing His will not mine, which is to stay in my home in the city.

Because of this word from God, we are stepping up our homesteading plans.

But, last night, my small group spoke prophetically over each other. One of the words I got from my son, Kansas Exorcist Society, was that our ministry was here. Meaning in our home in the city. He is new to this gift, but I know that he hears from God, so I needed to take a look at what he was saying.
Both the farm and the home in the city were gifts from God. He just handed them to us. In town, we have ministered to many in our home. Our door is constantly opening to folks whom need deliverance, inner healings or just prayer. So, what is God telling me? We may need to give this home up and go to the country, which we are preparing for.

As, I prayed for this and as I write, I am reminded what a friend, a prophet, said to me yesterday. "Perhaps you home is to be a mission". This is beginning to make perfect since to me.

It has been prophesied that there will be many safe houses in Wichita. That this will be a need in the future. I believe that this house, where I sit now, will continue to be used as a place of ministry and safety. I hear often, that my house is so peaceful and many have run here for safety.

Not sure how all this will look, but I am just trusting the Lord and willing to obey.

I continue to pray that in the days ahead.... The days of dark, that God will be glorified through His people. That no matter what the future holds, we, His people will show His light in a dark and foreboding place.


Anonymous said...

Hey Friend!

I have been redoing my blog page and was adding links and of course I put you in...Good to read your blog as always even in the most difficult of times. Thanks for being out in the don't know how many people who you are helping... I just wanted to encourage you, no exhort you to say what God's words says about these challenges facing us...We are more than conquerors...I been meditating more and more about God and this one thought just keeps coming up to me...He is the Beginning and the End...He is outside of time but operates in time! He promises up provision for following Him right? So then that means that He has already made a way for us all the way to the end...correct? All we have to do is trust Him for all things that have already been provisioned for...How do we take hold of our needs...Faith is the "substance" for things Hope for...Stand up strong as one voice and declare God's word over this situation...Just loving you and your family in Christ...Bro. Bill (

Given55 said...

Bro Bill,

So good to hear from you and thank you for the words. God has called me an "dutiful alarm"..I am driven to shout to be to come to arms and beware.

So, more and more, I shout. For myself, it is more difficult. God's provisions are here at hand and yet, the evil one speaks into me and I become lacking in faith.

I continue to seek God in everything and see what He is doing, but clarity for myself can be difficult.

But, God does speak up loudly, at times, and I jump into action. This weekend He clearly spoke to me about a sanctuary of rest and I have been moved.

Above all, I seek God and continue to build my faith. Because without faith all is for nothing. My God leads me, through this valley of the shadow of death and I fear no evil.

I lift you up as well, my friend. May God bless you and yours and keep you safe.

Billy said...

“Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? {Hebrews 1: 14}.

Yes, angels play a great part in helping Christians to live in this world; The Lord showed me in a dream vision on how to command angels to make life easier.

I was walking in a beautiful garden with God our heavenly Father, He was very tall, I could not see His face but I knew that it was God. He said to me, “Angels must be sent out with the voice of authority”.

He showed me many butterflies in His beautiful garden, and He said, “Tell them to go”. So I said, “go”, just a few took off.

Then He said, “ This is not the way”, and He put one of His hands behind Him, and then brought it forward forcefully with the voice of authority, and said “ GO”, and a great multitude which could not be numbered took off,

then He raised His other hand and repeated, “GO”, another great multitude took flight. Still He was not finished, then He raised both hands behind His head,

then bringing them forward with such force and with a mighty voice of authority, He said, “GO”, and all you could see was butterflies filling the air.

He then turned to me and said, “This is how you must send my angels out before you with the voice of authority”.

Many times I have sent these angelic beings out with the voice of authority, commanding them to go in the mighty name of Jesus,

and they have never failed to obey, no matter how big or small the task might be,

let us always remember that we have a great heavenly host ready to go into action in and through the mighty name of Jesus.

So you see angels are to minister, yes serve us, for we are the heirs of salvation, the chosen ones, and we are to send them forth as the Bible says in {Hebrews 1 v 14}.