I asked God what He wanted me to write about this morning & He was silent. He didn't say anything nor bring anything to my memory. I reached over & opened my Bible, which had to be from God, because I can't read in the morning. My age has taken my reading eyes & even with glasses, I can't see to read in the morning. But, this morning I could read. I opened it up to Jeremiah 32:27.
"I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?"
Do we as Christian's forget this? I say," most do." They seem to forget this is "God" that we are talking about. He can & will do anything. How hard is it for us to grasp this. He wants the best for us, He will give to us, He wants us to walk in His power, He wants relationship with us.
Are you walking in His glory & power. Do you recognize He is your maker? Do you take that to heart or do you intellectualize it.
Getting it from your mind to your heart can be difficult. Letting our spirit take over our minds is an act of letting go of control. The truth lies in faith. Do you have the faith to over come your mind & allow God to be God. You need to understand to the depths of your being, that you are not of this world. That this is a temporary state of being and that reality lies in eternity. Your spirit is the real you. The everlasting you. Your closeness to God lies in your Spirit.
"Is anything to hard for Me"? Is that a reality for you? Do you take that scripture & apply it to you personally. When I read it, it is directed right at me & no one else. It is written for me alone. Oh, I know that it is for you as well. But, my spirit believes it and takes it sooo personal. These words become a part of who I am. They should. also, becoming a part of who you are.
Every word of the Bible was written for you. A one on one ministry from the Maker of the universe to you. Take it in, absorb it, walk it out.
I was driving up into the mountains of Colorado to see one of my boys. I got into a blizzard at a very inopportune time. I was heading over a dangerous pass. I could no longer see out of the wind shield because of the heavy snow fall. I said to God. "You say, that you left your Spirit here for us to do greater works. That we can move mountains in your name. So, in the name of Jesus Christ this storm will stop." The storm stopped at that very moment. I got over the pass & to my son's home before it started again.
Did this happen because I am some how special? "NO!!" It happened because I believed it would happen. No different then it should be for you. Believe in the promises of God. Walk in the promises of God. We as Christians need to be showing the world His glory. Call upon the Lord & He will give you what you truly need.
4 months ago
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