I have begun to read a book named "Silent Hope, Living with the Mystery of God", by John Kirvan. He bothers me. He finds God to be a silent God. Now, I'm not through with the book, so maybe things will change, but, He acts like, silence with God does not change.
The book consists of writings and prayer from mystics and is based on "Hope". I love some of the things that are written in the book. Beautiful words, but, I know that God is anything but silent.
My husband has tried so hard to hear God's voice and to see into the spirit realm. Finally, he has told me that He has decided that he is going to quit and relax. That if it is going to happen, it will. I think that this is a good thing. When we work to hear God, we do get in the way. We try different methods not understanding that there are no methods to hearing God's voice. He comes to us when we are minding our own business. A surprise. But, I do tell my husband that he should hope and still expect that he will hear God's voice.
One of the problems that I see is that our minds are so full of ourselves that we can't hear. Calming that inner "mind voice" should be high on our to do list. I'm not saying that this is a method to hearing God. I don't know that this will cause one to hear. I do know that calming our mind is imperative to becoming closer to God.
Madam Jeanne Guyon wrote "Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ". In this wonderful book, she writes of calming the mind. Her meditation is not one of emptying the mind, which I believe is a dangerous thing, but, is one of filling the mind with God. I, personally, practice this method of meditation. I take a verse from the word of God, or focus on one of His personality traits and think about that all day. I have learned to meditate, praise God, pray in all things. There is always a prayer and praise in my head. This is my method to calming the mind.
This form of meditation will get the Word into your mind, thus, taking on the mind of Christ. What could happen when we have on the mind of Christ. Everything. We could hear God, we could move mountains, we could walk daily with our Lord as did Enoch.
I believe that we all have the ability to hear God. God put in all of us a place of connection to Him. If your goal is to hear God's voice then first you must get closer to Him. So very close & take Him out of the box.
We worship a God of surprises. You never know what is going to happen next. The Bible is certainly a guide line for us to walk in. The truth, laid down for us as a manual of principles, but, God is not confined by these guide lines. NO! Part of hearing from God, is knowing that He can & will do anything. He is not hampered by the same set of rules that we are.
I know, you are telling yourself that you know this, but,I ask you in look deep into yourself. You may just find that you need God to follow a certain guideline that you yourself have set down. When we go deep into ourselves, we can be surprised by what we find. Doubt is the biggest problem. Go deep, surprise yourself.
Do you want to hear God? Then set Him free.
4 months ago
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