I received an e-mail yesterday from a new blogger. I was so surprised and excited to meet another like myself. He is blogging at: Walking in the Supernatural with God.
I love it. God is bringing us out of our self imposed exile and having us share with the world.
My first post, I now see, never was posted for the public to see. How weird is that. I guess I was so new at blogging, I did not even look at the blog page to see how it looked. I don't know, but I just found it as a draft, never posted. So, I am posting it today, only because, I want you to see that one of my goals was to meet others like Bill, our new blogger.
I thought I was alone
When I first became a Christian I was overwhelmed by the fact that there was a God. I had been an atheist for most of my life. The experience I had when first coming to God can not be surpassed by anything in this realm.
I was driving down the highway at 60 mile per hour. I said, "Ok, if you exist you will have to show me." He did. I was hit with feelings of power, joy, love, warmth. It was so overpowering that I laughed & cried. Since that moment, in time, my life with God has been a roller coaster ride of ups and downs.
I have found out a lot about myself. I certainly have learned that I am the chief of all sinners and yet God continues to use me. What a wonderful and forgiving God.
For years I had ignored the strange things that happened around me. Believing that these oddities must be my imagination or a short circuit in my mind. At 12 I saw my first dead person. Throughout my life I have seen demons, the dead, heard things, tasted things, smelled things and felt things that were unexplainable.
After I came to God, these things increased. I truly felt that I was perhaps a wicked Christian. I had heard that this was not of God, but, I could not stop all that was happening.
That first year of my Christian life God showed me many things. He showed me that I was perfectly made and that these things that seemed odd about me were from Him. He showed me how to use them to His glory through counseling and healing. He showed me that through Him I have a purpose. That purpose is to reflect the light of Jesus Christ onto others. To set free the oppressed & heal the broken hearted.
He, also, has shown me that I am not alone. That there are others out there like me. Others that are afraid to speak out about these gifts. I am not alone and I hope that through this blog I will meet others like me.
3 months ago
How awesome that God now gets the glory with the gifts He put in you from your birth. I enjoy your blog and kindred spirit. Bro. Bill
Thank you Billy,
God has taken us into His confidence and it is time to share those confidence with the world. God bless you.
Hi Dear,please do stop by when you can and pick up your award. Godbless you
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