Channel of Healing was gracious enough to give me the Perseverance Award. How very kind of her.
My perseverance is certainly not of my own strength. I have many, a time, wanted to not blog. It is only through the power and strength of God that I continue. He tells me what to write and when. There have been a few times that I have written a post in my own strength and one can certainly tell it was not a thought from God.
The Perseverance award is to “… acknowledge those blogger's who have invested their very life in their blogs so as to encourage, build and warn others.”
That covers a lot of territory and I pray that I live up to those words. But, I can also see were I lack. This award has made me reflect on my blog and on my life and those reflections have shown me the places that I could use some improvement in perseverance.
The definition of perseverance is "steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., esp. in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement."
I started thinking about perseverance in my Christian walk. The Calvinistic definition of perseverance is "Theology. continuance in a state of grace to the end, leading to eternal salvation." That is not a problem for most Christians, but perseverance in the area of "dedication" that may be a problem. How dedicated are you in your walk with God? Do you persevere in this area?
I know that I believe. I know that I have been given grace. I know that I love God. But, do I, as a Christian, persevere in my witness, reading of the Word, prayer life and joy. Or, have I waned in those areas and quit persevering?
We think of perseverance, in our Christian walk, has hanging on to God in those rough times. I suggest that it is more. Perseverance will now include my witness, my prayer life, my Bible study and my joy.
Thank you Channel of Healing, you have taken my to a new place.
I would like to pass this award on to:
A Homesteading Neophyte....boy can you persevere.
Dancing With Butterflies...Not only perseveres with God, but with Lupus
Leaf Float Down Stream....Her photos bring me peace
Prairie Dreams...Persevering through a tornado. Oh My.
Random Reflections...I don't know how you do it all.
Shea's Cool Little Art Blog...Artist always have to persevere
3 months ago
Thank you so much!
Perserverance is such a strong word. In my case, it was more "letting go, and letting God" take over!! I never would have survived on my own power...
Thank you so much for this award. I appreciate it a lot. I agree with Anita perseverance is such a big word.
God bless you!
You are more than a survivor. You are a victor. God sees you, knows you, and Love you.
A big word for a victorious woman.
Thank you, special lady, for mentioning my site. What a gift you are to me. You have made my day and encourage me to keep on keeping on.
You are in my prayers always.
Oh wow! Thank you! So sweet. This award made my day. I love it!
I just got thru this time where it feels like I'm in the wilderness with my spiritual life and today, I feel God's strength coming back to me when I started to pray and meditate on His word. It is only thru perseverance to spend time with God and listen to Him that we can defeat the enemy who will always try to distract us from taking God's blessings in our lives. So thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. :)
I am glad to see you passing this reward on to others too!
Ginae AKA Empath
You are all so very welcome and so deserving.
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