Seven weird things about Given55
I got tagged by Aisha at Leaf Float Down River:
Let's see....
I know the words to a zillion Broadway show tunes.
I can yodel
I once ran over my daughters head with a bicycle.
I like to shoot my gun, but, more than that, I enjoy missing my target.
I have an abnormal fear of really big roosters.
I once caught a bee hive with a box.
I am a champion pool player.
Here are the rules for those of you getting the next tag:
Here Are The Rules:
1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person that tagged you.
2. Post THE RULES on your blog.
3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.
4. Tag 7 people and link to them.
5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
I am passing this tag on to: Daily Spirit, Sunny's blog of books, paranormal, recipes, ...whatever, Twisted Christian, As the Crackerhead Crumbles, Great and Unsearchable things, Lances Soul Searching, Lee's Walk.
3 months ago
Thanks for coming over and visiting and commenting.
Bicycle on your daughters head!!
I trust she was OK.
My daughter grew up to be, well, like me. It has been said that "radio radio is tuned to a different broadcast than most other people". I'd like to say that my daughters is as well, and that it is not from me running over her head.
ha! You know you were trying to get rid of me! ;)
You forgot to mention that the yodeling was how you punished your children.
You are paranoid. Yodeling was a form of torture that left no proof of abuse. Although, you are weird.
Your making me laugh. It was a real rooster. I kept getting attacked, when we lived on the farm, by a rather large rooster. After a while, I started getting nervous about this big ate him.
ya'll are funny!
well thanx for the tag! :)
this should be fun :)
Sorry for the amazingly long time it's taken me to respond. I've been tagged in the past and here's a link to my answers:
Twisted Christian Tagging
Thank for tagging me and all your thoughtful, loving comments!
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