It is just amazing to me, how when God wants you to get something, you will get it.
My community group met last night. I was surprised at how many came because we had quite a bit of ice covering the ground. But, they came. We concentrated on forgiveness.
Before we were done, we prayed for a few people. This group is very good at sharing what is bothering them. Very open.
When we started praying, for a young man, I realized, in the spirit, that he was very sad and a bit angry. I spoke to him about this and told him he needed to break a few soul ties. While breaking these soul ties, God had me remind him the he is fearfully and wonderfully made. He told me that God had had that verse on his mind a lot lately.
After we were done, two others in the room started chatting and laughing. They were beside themselves with glee. They brought us into the kitchen where they had a birthday cake for the young man, who had just broken the soul ties. On the cake was Psalms 139:14.
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
I thought, God sure wants this young mad to get that verse into his spirit. God used me and his friends to reinforce what God Himself had been telling him. Praise God.
God will use anything and anyone to get His message across.
3 months ago
wonderful post
That is awesome! It's really nice how God would use other believers to confirm something that God revealed to you. :) This post made me smile!
Thank you and may God Bless.
I agree. I is wonderful to see God at work.
So right. We should all celebrate that we worship a God that loves us so much that He would lead us to salvation.
Listen to "The Psalmist" at
I really liked your song.
joined you on mt space.
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