First I would like to give out the "Blogging with a Purpose Award" to my five friends.
Enemy of the Republic
Daily Spirit
Great and Unsearchable Things
Lance's Soul Searching
Sunny's Blog of books, paranormal, recipes...whatever!!!
You are all great!!
Now, to my focus for the day. A few posts back, I wrote of "The Team", God continues to make things happen in that vain, so I've decided to keep you, dear reader, apprised of the situation, with updates.
Friday, I got a call, out of the blue, from a long, lost friend. She is someone that I love very much. We have worked together in the past. We, both, ended up going through addictions and crisis of spirit. She is a prophetess.
Our work, together, in the past, was full of supernatural events. God, truly, used us in amazing ways. But, we went our separate ways and lost touch with each other. The call, Friday, came completely unexpected, but was met with great joy. She is fighting her way back into the arms of God.
Sunday, I got another call. This one, was also, from a lost friend, who had slipped into addiction and we had lost contact with each other. She was my greatest friend. We ministered together and watched as God worked through us. She is in recovery as well and, as she says, restored by God. Living in Texas, she is a long way from me.
Interesting, that all three of us ended up in an addiction.
I have missed these two women with all of my heart. But, why the calls, from out of no where? I knew, immediately, what was happening. God, is bringing together, the people He wants me to work with on the team. Both, had been with me before, when the team was being assembled. Many others were also with me, but I see God choosing who He wants to work with me and not whom I feel should work with me. Again, by no effort of my own, the team is assembling.
Maybe, you have already asked yourself, how can the woman in Texas be on the team. That is not exactly her role. She has already asked me if I would get a team of women together and come down there to her church and minister for a week. The object of that week would be the breaking of soul and spirit ties over the women of the church. You see, that is exactly what God showed me, years ago, that this team would be doing. Healing, ministering and encouraging other churches.
Is this not remarkable, watching God's hand at work. Everyday now, I wait to see what God will do next, in this area. In my excitement, I need to be careful. Careful that I do not get ahead of God. Jump the gun. Make decisions that are not of God, is my biggest concern. I need to be in continuous prayer and let God drive my way.
So, now and then you, dear reader, will get updates on "The Team" and what God is doing there.
Praise be to the God Almighty.
3 months ago
Carl Jung described addiction as the soul's attempt to reunite with God. Odd, but I have to admit I understand it in a way--it is as though we know as mortals we cannot comprehend God, yet our spirits crave it, so we try to blunt the intensity through addiction. I still haven't made sense of the remark.
Thanks for your award. You probably have noticed I haven't been blogging much lately--just sitting back and working out some things that I think blogging was diverting me from--I will be back when I can.
I will also check out those other blogs when I can--if you say they are good, they must be. Lance's I already know and I totally agree with your assessment. Like you, I am so grateful for his blog.
Enemy of the Republic,
Blunting the intensity, I truly understand. Many of the folks that I know, who see and feel in the spirit realm, have had addictions and still smoke cigarettes. It keeps the stimuli down. It can be, at times, overwhelming the things we see, smell, hear and feel. It is, also, our way of control. Sick, isn't it.
You are so welcome, for the award. You so deserve it. I pray for you when I think of you, in this hour of need.
Thank you for the award, Given. It really means alot to me as my M.O. is and has always been, if something isn't meaningful (or with a purpose) than it isn't valuable. That's how God made me. It can add intensity to my life, however, as I try and suck meaning out of everything, or I want to discard it. This doesn't fair well with those whose bottom line is fun. They think I am "too serious," or that I just need to "lighten up." I guess I understand the reality of the value of being chosen to live this life, and I seek the purposes of God that He wants me to fulfill, so to me, it is serious or sobering.
The comment about the possible connection between the addiction thing, and being spiritually in-tuned is interesting;one in which I will ponder. I have felt very frustrated and restless in being able to "see" things, and not really know what God wants me to do with them or how I should react to them, and this produces much anguish in this fleshly body.
So, to be acknowledged with this award to me is God saying He acknowledges who He has made me to be. THanks for being His voice of affirmation to who He made me. It brings me one step closer to accepting His acceptance of me.
Your welcome. You as well as myself and many others, who see into the spirit realm, seem to go through a lot of acceptance of who we are.
I, am now, content with myself and find that if others, do have a problem with whom God has made me to be...well, that problem is usually about themselves.
I am glad that God made you the way He did. Serious or not, you state the facts that God gives you and for this God is pleased. I thank you for your continued obedience to His calling on your life.
Thanks for the award.
You are welcome.
Wow, thanks so much for the recognition, I am truely honored and have been a fan of your site.
Thanks a lot. I appreciate your blog and e-mails and NOW an award!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks a lot.
Just KNOWING you is so very edifying.
Ginae AKA Empath
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