Dear God,
I want to speak of this one more time and I want to write it for my friends to read. They have been walking this out with me and I want them to know that this is the last time I will speak of this.
I woke up praising you this morning and it felt so good. I feel renewed and joyful. You are the great I Am, my Watch Tower, my strength.
I have been so lost and so in the dark. I have missed our intimate time together. My need for you is great as is my love for you. You have gathered me back together. Thank you Lord. Thank you.
Lord, you know my every thought and emotion. Nothing is hidden from you. Search me, Oh Lord, and reveal to me my inner sin so that I may repent and walk closer to you. Protect me from the enemy and myself.
I have over the last few months grieved the loss of my mother. I have lived in regret and guilt. I give those things over to you because they do me no good. They only bring me down and away from my service to you.
I give back to my mother those ungodly things she left with me and I take back, to myself, those things that she stole from me in her abuse. I break the ungodly soul tie with her, but keep the Godly tie. I will live with the memory that she was grateful to be with me at the end of her life and that she loved me. I will stop thinking of what should have been and start remembering the good. I will catch every thought to the obedience of God. You are my strength and my creator.
You sent an angle to me, when my mother was dieing. We shared about your glory and love. You sent friends to me that ministered to me and prayed and sang over my mother. For these things I have never said thank you. So, Lord, now I say thank you. You were there for me in so many ways and never left my side. You are the Almighty God, the Living God, My Rock.
I give you my sorrow, my grief, my anger, my life. I praise you, Lord. I praise you. I pray, Father, that you would heal my body and mind. Bring me to that place, again, where I see only you. Make me whole again. Without you nothing is impossible. You are my light, my energy, my life. Without you I am nothing.
Walk with me, again. Talk with me, again. I am only alive when I am closest to you. Make me new again.
My love for you overflows and my need for you is a hunger within me that needs to be filled. I want to be as Enoch and walk so close to you everyday that I am filled every day with your glory.
I repent from my ways and walk forward to you. Hold me tight in this battle for victory is at hand. I live for you. I would die for you. My future is only in you. I will not fear. I will be victorious.
3 months ago
Praise the Lord, it is morning and the joy it there. Psalms 30:5
God is good all the time, and all the time my God is good!
You and your family ...have a very happy and Safe 4th of July. Love in the Lord,
Amen & Amen
Sorry for the deleting and reposting of my comment . I was saying Hello and how much I appreciate your openness .
Grace and peace
You are a blessing to me.
I agree. Amen.
Connie M.
I am not usually that drab. Please come visit again.
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