Wow, This is post 100. Did not think I had that much to say. Actually, I don't. God does though. I've thought of quiting, many a time. But, He keeps me going.
This has been a horrible week for me. I sit with my lap top and my crocheting. That's about all I can do, with the Lupus and steroids. This attack/test is formidable. I believe it is about the group that starts here tonight. Must be some good stuff going to come out of it
The attacks have come from all different directions. One that I'd like to share is, at the least, curious. And curiosity can get me in trouble.
I've gotten several calls this week from people asking for help in various situations. One call came from a woman that is definitely a curiosity. I met her several years ago at a Healing service. She had come in to be healed of aliments that she had had for years. But, she did not receive healing. She was directed to me and a healing team that I had been working with. So, I had her meet with us.
She expressed that she had demons in her legs. I found this of interest. Why just her legs? She had been to see different ministry teams for 30 years and to no avail. That was a hint that something is amiss. Her undoing with me was "No one can help me."
I knew by this statement, that her faith was in man. She continued to mention the demons and man but, rarely God. She talked a lot and did not listen when you got the chance to speak. Very much wrapped up in her own world. Stuck- not willing to change her thinking, prayer life, attitude nor concept.
After quite a while of trying to work with her, I told her she was not ready for deliverance. Hard call. Sending someone away that is suffering to such an extreme seems and feels cold hearted. But, I knew that to pray over her, at that time, would only harm her or be of no avail.
I let her go. But, this week she calls. She says that she is in terrible shape. That the demons are killing her and are still in her legs. Wanted me to meet with her and pray deliverance. My flesh screamed "oh no not you" but,then I melted and began to have concern. What should I do? I do know that, right now, I am not in a position to be messing with demons. My physical condition and medication makes me less than ready. So, I listened.
No matter what I said, she had an answer. No change there. I could not think of one place for her to go for help that she had not already been. Then God speaks to me. "She is sent to harm you." Alarms go off in me. "To harm me"? Now, I'm searching for the words to get off the phone.
When I finally got off the phone I realized how Satan truly tries to get to me through my compassion. He knows it is hard for me to say "No" to someone in need. It has gotten me into tight situations before. God, saved me once again. The saddest part of all this is that this woman is such a pawn of Satan. He uses her and abuses her. Her life is miserable. Fighting the presence of the enemy everyday. My heart goes out to her.
How did she get into such a position? There's my curiosity again. Why does she tolerate it? God is saying to me that, her faith has always been small and that she entertained the dark for a time in her life. A strong hold was secured from the dark and that keeps her faith small. She knows who God is but, does not understand Him.
This is very sad. She is an extreme example of were most of the world is at. She, although, is just very obvious the rest of the world looks normal.
As Christians we have to be ready, at all times, to confront the enemy. We need to be listening to God and staying alert. I could have fallen right into this trap. God, however, intervened again on my behalf.
3 months ago
Thank you Lance. God Bless
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